Topic :

What do you think of a makeover?

Hello everybody!

A new fashion has arrived on Monstia... While you tread the lands of the island, you discover ...

Clothes! Yes, customize your character to infinity with unique clothes! Make your friends jealous by accumulating the best possible clothes, change your style whenever you want directly!

That's not all? Yes! The design of the forum has changed, your characters remain at your side, or at least, next to your comments. Click on the character of a user to see his profile.

Another news? Yes! You can login directly in-game and if you leave the game, when you come back your character will have stayed exactly where you disconnected. What a good boy.

By the way, the interface is now more beautiful :)

Have a good stay on Monstia and we'll meet you for the next news, in a very short time!
on 9/16/18
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